Berdjajews Briefe an Lieb 8




Letter 21

Clamart, 30. Nov. [1931]

Lieber Fedor Iwanowitsch!

Ich war sehr froh, von Ihnen ein[en] Brief zu bekommen. Aber ich habe schreckliche Schwierigkeiten gehabt Ihren Brief zu verstehen. Schreiben Sie mir bitte mit eine[r] Maschine. Ich antworte auf alle Ihre Fragen.

Ich bin gewiss einverstanden, daß deutsche Ausgabe mein[es] "Leontjeff" wird in Gotthelf Verlag erschien [erscheinen]. Aber der Übersetzer muss in keinem Fall Walter sein. Das beste wäre Dr. Hans Ruoff (München-Nymphenburg, Südliche Auffahrtsallee 8/1). Aber was interessiert mich zuerst das ist die deutsche Übersetzung von meinem letzten Buch "Von der Bestimmung des Menschen". Das beste und das wichtigste von alles, was ich in meinem Leben geschrieben habe. Reichl schreibt mir, daß er will sehr den Buch herausgeben, aber weiss noch nicht, ob es möglich wird für ihn zu machen. Definitive Antwort kann er in Januar oder Februar geben. Diese Frage ist für mich viel interessanter als die Übersetzung von "Leontjeff". Mein letztes Buch ist noch gar nicht übersetzt. Ich bin einverstanden daß Herr Reisner wird auch als Herausgeber von "Or[ient] und Oc[cident]" gezeichnet. Die deutsche Übersetzung meines Aufsatz[es] habe ich an Herrn Schütz geschickt. Gewiss könnte man ein[en] Aufsatz über Eurasie von Savitzky oder N.Trubetzkoi geben in "Or[ient] und Oc[cident]". Mit Florowsky werde ich über ein[en] neuen Artikel sprechen. Es wird sehr gut, wenn Sie meine Rezension über Trotzky in "Or[ient] und Oc[cident]" übersetzen. Aber dort ist eine schreckliche Druckfehler. Ich werde mit [...] "Novy Put" über die Austauschung sprechen.

Mit meine[r] Gesundheit geht es nicht sehr gut. Ich habe sehr starke Schmerzen in Händen und Füssen. Ich freue mich sehr, Ihnen wieder in Paris zu sehen. Den "Tat" habe ich nicht bekommen. Haben Sie nicht den Buch von M.Scheler über die Soziologie der Erkenntnis? Wenn Sie haben, können Sie vielleicht mir den Buch schicken.

Mit herzlichem Gruss
Ihr N.Berdjajew

Clamart, 30th of November [1931]

Dear Fjodor Iwanowitsch!

I have been very glad to get a letter from you. But I have had terrible difficulties to understand your letter. Please write to me with a type-writer. I’ll answer all of your questions.

I am certainly agreeable that the German edition of my book, "Leontjeff", should be published by the Gotthelf-publishing house. But the translator mustn’t be in any case Walter. (75) The best would be Dr. Hans Ruoff (Munich-Nymphenburg, Südliche Auffahrtsallee 8/1). (76) But what first of all is interesting for me is the German translation of my last book "Destiny of Man". It is the best and most important of all that I have written in my life. Reichl writes to me, that he would like to publish this book, but he doesn’t know whether it will be possible for him to do so. (77)

In January or February [1932] he will be able to give a definite answer. This question is more interesting for me than the translation of the "Leontjeff". (78) My last book isn’t still yet translated. I am in agreement that Mr. Reisner will also be appointed editor of "Orient and Occident". (79) The German translation of my article I have sent to Mr. Schütz. (80) Certainly one could write an article on the "Eurasia" of Savitzky or N.Trubetzkoj in "Orient and Occident". (81) With Florowskij I will speak on a new article. (82) Its going to be very well if you will translate my review about Trotzky in "Orient and Occident". But there is a horrible mistake. I will speak with [...] "Novy Put" on the exchange.

Concerning my health the things are not very well. I suffer from very strong pains in hands and feet. I am very glad to meet you again in Paris. The "Tat" I didn’t get. Don’t you have the book of M.Scheler on the sociology of knowledge? (83) If you have it, perhaps you can send it to me.

your N.Berdjajew

Notes: Letter 21

(75) Berdjajew refers to Reinhold von Walter (1882-1962), lyric poet and translator. Von Walter translated in 1927 "The meaning of the Creative Act" and in 1930 "Freedom and the Spirit". During the cooperation between author, publisher and translator a strong delay arose at the translation of the second book, so that the publisher Oskar Siebeck (from the publishing house in Tübingen/Germany) asked Berdjajew to remind the dilatory R. v. Walter. Meanwhile Berdjajew reconsidered giving the untranslated parts of the book to an other translator. In the letter of 12th of March 1930, Siebeck related, that he asked the German philosopher Peter Wust/Cologne, who was familiar with Berdjajew, to move v. Walter to send on the not yet arrived parts of "Freedom and the Spirit". After the death of Berdjajew, v. Walter again translated two books of Berdjajew (publishing house Holle/Darmstadt): "Dream and Reality, An Essay in Autobiography" (1953) and "Slavery and Freedom" (1954). Cf. Stefan G.Reichelt, Nikolaj A.Berdjaev in Deutschland 1920-1950, Leipzig 1999, pp. 63-68.

(76) Hans Ruoff translated L.Schestow, N.Berdjajew. Gnosis und Existenzphilosophie, in: Spekulation und Offenbarung. Essays und kritische Betrachtungen (1963).

(77) In the publishing house O.Reichl, Darmstadt/Germany, were announced: N.Berdjajew "The Meaning of History" (1925) and "The End of our Time" (1927). And in this same O.Reichl-publishing house appeared in 1927 the only book of S.Bulgakow in German "Die Tragödie der Philosophie" ("The Tragedy of Philosophy").

(78) Cf. N.Berdjajew, Konstantin Leontjew, 1926 (in russian). See also: F.Lieb, Konstantin Leontjew. "The Prophet of Rage without Hope", in: Sophia and History, Zürich 1962, pp. 114-144.

(79) The Journal "Orient and Occident" appeared since no. 8 (1932) with inclusion of Erwin Reisner. Because of this notion we can assume, that this letter was written in 1931.

(80) Paul Schütz (1891-1985), Protestant theologian and pastor. Together with Schütz N.Berdjajew and F.Lieb he had founded and published in 1929 the Journal "Orient and Occident" until no. 15 (1934) when P.Schütz removed. In Germany the journal was prohibited in 1934 and since 1934 (no. 16) F.Lieb was the only editor. Then he published the journal (no. 1-3, 1936) in the Gotthelf-publishing house Bern (Switzerland). F.Lieb temporary translated Berdjajew’s articles for the journal. Cf. also: Stefan G.Reichelt, Nikolaj A.Berdjaev in Deutschland 1920-1950, Leipzig 1999, p.121.

(81) With the Eurasian question the no. 17 of "Orient and Occident" (1934) was preoccupied. There also we can find a paper of P.Savitzky "The Geographical and Geopolitical Foundations of the Eurasian Question" (pp. 13-19). In the list of contents of "Orient and Occident" no. 16 (1934) are announced further articles about the "Eurasian Question" from Alexejew, Savitzky, Jakobson and Berdjajew.

(82) Cf. Georgij Florovskij, "The Crisis of German Idealism, in: "Orient and Occident" no. 11 (1932), pp. 1-8, and no. 12 (1932), pp. 2-12.

(83) Berdjajew here asks F.Lieb to get the book of M.Scheler: "Problems of the Sociology of Knowledge, of Cognition and of Labour" (1926).

Letter 22

Clamart, den 2. Februar [1932]

Lieber Fedor Iwanowitsch!

Ich habe eine Antwort von Schor daß Lutz die Lage falsch dargestellt hat. Er hat die Herausgabe meines Buches nie von der Bedingung abhängig gemacht, daß ihm das Übersetzungsrecht aller russischen Ausgaben zukommen soll. Nach seinen Worten zu urteilen, hat er nur auf einigen geringen Änderungen bestanden, – vor allem darauf, dass es keine Verpflichtung sei, die Übersetzung des Buches eine Woche nach Unterzeichnung des Vertrages vorzuweisen, – und darauf, dass ich einen Vorschuss bekommen soll. Ich weiss nicht, wem ich mehr glauben soll. Jedenfalls ist es unbedingt nötig, die Sache zu erledigen. Vielleicht schreiben Sie an Lutz.

Ich erhielt einen Brief von S.Frank. Er bittet, ihm dazu zu verhelfen im Gotthelf-Verlag sein neues religiös-philosophisches Buch herauszugeben. Er hält es für die Frucht seiner ganzen philosophischen Tätigkeit. Es wäre gut, ihm dazu zu verhelfen. Das hängt ja mit dem von uns besprochenen Plan zusammen. Schreiben Sie Lutz auch darüber.

Wann beabsichtigen Sie, nach Paris zu kommen?
Einen herzlichen Gruss von uns an Sie und Ihre Familie
Ihr N.Berdiaeff

Clamart, 2nd of February [1932]

Dear Fjodor Iwanowitsch!

I have gotten an answer from Schor. (84) He writes that Lutz has misrepresented the situation. He never subjected in the publishing of my book the fact that the rights of translation of all Russian issues will be due to him. According to his statements, he only insisted upon a few small amendments, – first of all upon this, that there is no duty to produce the translation of the book one week after signing of the contract, and upon this that I will get an advance. I don’t know whom I can trust more. Nevertheless it will be absolutely necessary to bring the subject to an end. Perhaps you will write to Lutz.

I received a letter from S.Frank. He asks to help him to publish in Gotthelf publishing house his recent religious-philosophical book. (85) He thinks it to be the fruit of his long philosophical activity. It would be well to help him. It depends from the project that we discussed. Please write Lutz about this, too.

When do you intend to come to Paris?
With best wishes to you and your family
your N.Berdiaeff

Notes: Letter 22

(84) Evsej D.Schor (1891-1974), philosopher, translator and musician. Schor was born in Moscow as son of the pianist David Schor (1867-1942). After philosophical studies in Freiburg/Germany with E.Husserl and G.Simmel he moved in 1935 to Israel where he lived in Jerusalem until his death in 1974. From the 1920's he was in familiar and literary contact with N.Berdjajew. The first translated title by Schor was: "The Truth and Falsehood of Communism" [Original title: "Russian Religious Psychology and Communistic Atheism"] (from Put' no. 30 (1931), pp. 3-34, later published in the book: "Wahrheit und Lüge des Kommunismus", Luzern/Switzerland 1934. The article was published also in the first number of the French social-religious journal Esprit (cf. Lowrie, A life of Nikolai Berdyaev, London 1960, p. 200). Then Schor translated N.Berdjajew, "Die geistige Situation in der modernen Welt" ["The Intellectual Situation of the Contemporary World"], published in: "Tatwelt" 8 (1932), pp. 173-188. In 1932 Berdjajew delegated to E.D.Schor the rights of translation of his works, so as to be not longer dependent upon R. von Walter. Schor now got a major work to translate into German: "Destiny of Man" (Bern 1935). There would follow: "Von der Würde des Christentums und der Unwürde der Christen", Luzern 1936 ("The Worth of Christianity and the Unworthiness of Christians", in: "The Bourgeois Mind and Other Essays", London 1934.). Cf. Stefan G.Reichelt, Nikolaj Berdjaev in Deutschland 1920-1950, Leipzig 1999, pp. 170-184.

(85) In this letter Berdjajew refers to Frank’s book, "The Unfathomable" (English title: "The Unknowable", transl. by Boris Jakim, Athens 1983. German translation: "Das Unergründliche", edit. A. Haardt, Munich 1995). From the letter of S.Frank to F.Lieb (27th of February 1934) we hear, that Frank wrote of Berdjajew in general being already involved in this: "I appealed immediately to Berdjajew and he wrote me that this matter is in your hands. I would ask you for friendly intercession at Gotthelf publishing house/Bern that publishes the "Series of Religious Russians". (Source: Bequest F.Lieb, Basel University Library, Collection of letters of S.Frank to F.Lieb, no. Aa 333, 26).

